Coffea Catura
The Gardenisto | December 13, 2013
The Coffea Catura is a mutated variety of the Bourbon Coffea arabica species. Coffea Catura is a prolific producer, faster maturing, compact, with shorter internodes, and is more disease resistant than other Arabica varietals. In our growing experience, even though the Catura is a faster maturing plant, it is not necessarily faster growing. True to most dwarf or squat varieties of plants, the gowth is slow. It will take a few years for this plant
Tags: coffea catura, how to grow
The Coffea Catura is a mutated variety of the Bourbon Coffea arabica species. Coffea Catura is a prolific producer, faster maturing, compact, with shorter internodes, and is more disease resistant than other Arabica varietals. In our growing experience, even though the Catura is a faster maturing plant, it is not necessarily faster growing. True to most dwarf or squat varieties of plants, the gowth is slow. It will take a few years for this plant
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